message for the Monteverde-Arenal Initiave:
Expanding into the Bioregion Conference from Dr. Peter Raven, Missouri
Botanical Garden:
Over the past half century I have come to love and admire this
unique and lovely country Costa Rica, and have come to understand the audacious
decisions that have made it a model of peace and understanding. We can
appreciate why the Quaker pioneers were attracted to this special area of
Monteverde. Against this background and that afforded by the biological
and human riches of this region, I express my appreciation to you all for your
strong efforts over the past few days, efforts from which I am sure there will
be many positive outcomes. Dipping back further in time, it is delightful
for me to think that the descendants of the quetzals I so rejoiced to see here
in the 1960’s and of the new species of Fuchsia I studied here then are
thriving in a protected area of some 135,000 acres, stimulated by the
contributions of schoolchildren and preserved by the efforts of so many over
the decades. In our overpopulated world, mutual understanding offer the only
sure route to sustainability and peace: your interactions illustrate what such
efforts mean for the present, and show the way to successes in the
Thank you for making the effort to participate, to Debra
Hamilton and her associates at the Monteverde Institute, to Nalini Nadkarni,
and to a number of others for their sustained and expert work in making this
gathering possible.
“Pura vida” is a state of mind, not something one gets
automatically, but for which one has to do the kind of work that this gathering
represents, day after day, month after month, year after year – and I know we
will do just that. My very best congratulations to you all for your
efforts during this meeting, and the hope for our common achievement of peace,
love, and sustainability in the future.
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